Section B – Security guidance for the truck drivers | Chapter 5


As cargo theft often takes place during driver breaks and overnight stops, it is important that you only stop at pre-approved, well-lit and secure parking areas. Please note that the risk of cargo theft as well as stowaway entry is high at public rest areas, laybys and parking lots, thus you should be guided by the following recommendations:

Avoid stops close to origin and destination points of your journey.

  • Cargo thieves are known to be active around industrial areas or distribution centers from where cargo moves.
  • In addition, refuel the truck and buy snacks or other supplies before the start of the journey, if possible.

You should stop only at secure locations, those which are preapproved, well-lit or known to be secure.

  • Online services such as Truck Parking Europe and TRANSPark can guide you to find secure parking locations across Europe.

If you have to leave your vehicle, park your truck where you are in a position to observe it.

  • Plan to be in a position to observe your truck so as to ensure that no one attempts to interfere with it.
  • If possible, ask a person you can trust to watch your truck.

If you must stop outside a secure parking area, keep the break as short as possible.

  • Inform the back office when and where you are stopping.
  • Avoid isolated, dark, or poorly lit areas with few other trucks.

If possible park your truck with the loading doors against another vehicle, a wall or a building.

  • This parking configuration makes it more difficult for thieves to access your cargo.

If you must stop when approaching a border crossing or ferry terminal, consider parking your truck facing the opposite direction or on the other side of the highway.

  • Parking in this way may make potential stowaways think that you are driving away from the border they want to cross, not towards it, thus minimizing the stowaway risk with our truck.

When you exit the cabin, close windows, lock doors, activate security devices, and always take the keys with you.

  • Leave your truck unattended for as short time as possible.
  • Activate trailer immobilization device (if available) when you drop trailer.
  • Check locks, seals, and security devices before and after every stop and report any evidence of tampering to the back office.

Before resuming your journey, look for any signs of damage, tampering or unauthorized entry.

  • Check all security devices are intact and undamaged; if there is evidence of tampering or unauthorized entry immediately inform the back office and call the police.
  • When you enter your cabin, lock doors immediately behind you.

If resting or sleeping in your cabin, consider keeping the windows fully closed.

  • Keeping windows fully closed makes it more difficult for thieves or terrorists to insert a tube with anesthetic gasses.

Use common sense in cafes, restaurants and pubs – do not accept drinks from strangers or leave your drink unguarded.

  • Be aware that thieves may attempt to target you and compromise you while you are stopped at a restaurant.
  • Unknown persons may surreptitiously try to interfere with your food and drink to drug you so as to steal your cargo and/or vehicle.