Entries by Vladlen Tsikolenko

New survey on European postal security

PostEurop and Cross-border Research Association have launched a new online survey on postal security management to promote further development and implementation of best security practices in the postal sector. The survey is part of the ongoing SAFEPOST project that the European Commission is co-funding under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). SAFEPOST project going to finish […]

EU logistics security – an interesting decade

I had a great pleasure to work intensively on the European surface transport security standardization efforts, some years ago – this CBRA Blog aims to summarize the main work done, and the key objectives achieved.   Couple of years after the US 9/11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the European Commission Directorate General of Transport and Energy, […]

AEO benefits, or, no benefits, that’s the?

“To be, or not be – that is the question”, was Prince Hamlet wondering already some 412 years ago. 400 years later, the CBRA research team started to raise the question of “AEO benefits, or no AEO benefits – that is the ?”…   Around year 2004, we first started to study the emerging AEO-types […]

SIECA delegation visiting Europe in June 2015

I had a great pleasure to be the lead host for a 12 person SIECA delegation visit to Europe in June 2015. We spent two days in the Netherlands, one day in Belgium and two days in Switzerland in an action-packed tour, visiting several border areas, governmental offices and beyond. The idea to organize a […]

FP7-CORE Education – Two new diagrams

Today’s CBRA Blog presents two new diagrams which have been recently designed and developed in the context of FP7-CORE Education and training work (Work package 19.1). The information visualized in the diagram is based on CBRA’s supply chain security research work since year 2001, particularly from the past 5-6 years. Some background information on the […]

Revisiting the Yemen bomb plot of 2010

This CBRA blog revisits the Yemen bomb plot from 2010, the most decisive turning point in modern air cargo security. More than five years after the events, this blog discusses the plot’s implications to the contemporary air cargo security and outlines CBRA’s recommendations for future security work. Parts of this blog text have already been […]

Supply chain security education materials

FP7-CORE is the European flagship research and development project in supply chain security and trade facilitation, running from May 2014 to April 2018. In today´s CBRA Blog we focus on education and training material development – Work package 19, Task 19.1 – in the CORE-project. The CORE Task 19.1 – Education and training materials development – […]

Cooperación entre los Organismos que Intervienen en la Frontera, Parte 3 de 3

El último blog en nuestra serie de tres partes sobre la Cooperación entre los Organismos que Intervienen en la Frontera presenta un marco conceptual capturando las dimensiones esenciales de la Cooperación entre los Organismos que Intervienen en la Frontera: tres niveles de colaboración, cuatro áreas de integración y cuatro objetos para compartir. Esperamos que el […]

Cooperación entre los organismos que intervienen en la frontera, Parte 2 de 3

Nuestro segundo blog sobre la Cooperación entre los Organismos que Intervienen en la Frontera (COIF) se enfoca en un modelo conceptual desarrollado por la CBRA. Hemos creado este diagrama “CBRA-BAC15” para visualizar una serie de acciones fundamentales de la COIF y los beneficiarios principales, con contribuciones del Dr. Toni Männistö (investigador post-doc de seguridad de […]