PICARD 2015, Baku
The 10th annual PICARD conference will be organized 8-10.9.2015 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Here you find the call for papers–invitation.
The 10th annual PICARD conference will be organized 8-10.9.2015 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Here you find the call for papers–invitation.
This blog focuses on a timely trade facilitation topic: The import VAT / duty de-minimis in the EU – Where should they be and what will be the impact?
What are typical negative impacts caused by violations/non-compliance with import/export fiscal rules, restrictions and prohibitions?
Thanks to all CBRA blog readers for interesting feedback in 2014 – and all the best for year 2015! Below you find some blog plans for this year.
Time-to-time security and quality management in global supply chains are considered to be of similar nature – but are they really?
Could the good old phrase ´time is money´ – used already by B. Franklin, the 18th century – be applied to 21st century supply chain security?
Horizon2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation program ever, with €80 billion in funding. CBRA aims to play an active role in H2020.
News last week by the Transparency International on global corruption triggered CBRA´s blog topic to deal with B2G bribery in cross-border supply chains.
This is the first book review in CBRAs supply chain security blog, drilling into the complexities and challenges of global illicit trade.
We had an interesting Thursday-Friday of FP7-CORE project meetings in Athens, with philosophical discussions on “taxonomies on illegal activities in global supply chains”.
Cross-border Research Association
Chemin de la Cure 9
CH-1066 Epalinges
Phone: 41-76-5890967
Skype: CBRA_2014
Email: cbra@cross-border.org