FP7 EcoHubs and ecoTAURUS review (CORE3006)

Summary: This review on reference projects, specifying reusable outputs, focuses on FP7-EcoHubs: Message-based Access Points and on ecoTAURUS. The aim of the EcoHubs project is to produce an infrastructure and a range of value added services which are driven by leading European intermodal terminal operators. The author of this review is Konstantinos Vasileiou, ILS. Coding for CORE e-library is CORE3006.
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ECSIT Report Summary (CORE3005)

Summary: This reference project review focuses on German national funded research project ECSIT: Enhancing container security through non-contact inspection at the seaport terminal. The work done in ECSIT in non-intrusive inspection devices should be continued and refined in CORE ST2.3 Next Generation Scanning System. Furthermore the ECSIT AP7 Demonstration of the system might be used as a good working example for organization and operating plans towards the CORE ST 2.3.4 Field Demonstration. More support from ECSIT might be given to CORE T7.3 Scenario-based simulation and towards US-based Demo WPs for the broadly discussed and approved scenarios how to survey container with a multi-layered inspection approach in mind. The authors of the review are Marcus Engler and Matthias Dreyer, ISL. You can find the full review and original files in CORE e-library, with the coding CORE3005. More information on the project at: https://www.isl.org/en/projects/ecsit
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FP7-project RISING (CORE3004)

Summary: RISING is a project co-financed by the European Commission (DG MOVE) within the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. RISING has the overall objective of identifying, integrating and further developing information services such as River Information Services (RIS) in order to efficiently support Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) and logistics operations. This review of reference projects and specification of reusable outputs has been authored by Marcus Engler and Arne Gehlhaar of ISL. Original review and source files can be found in CORE e-library with coding CORE3004. More information on the project at: http://www.rising.eu/
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FP7-project e-Freight Report Summary (CORE3003a)

Summary: This document is about CORE review of reference projects and specification of reusable outputs, on FP7-project e-Freight. Authors are Marcus Engler and Oliver Klein, both from ISL. The original files can be found in CORE e-library, with coding CORE3003a. More information on the project at: http://www.efreightproject.eu/
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Review on FP7-project IMCOSEC (CORE3001)

Summary: This is review on reference projects / specifying reusable outputs, on FP7-project IMCOSEC. The research in IMCOSEC (Integrated approach to improve the supply chain for container transport and integrated security simultaneously) was on following two conflicting trends in years before the project started: the elimination of trade barriers to ensure free trade, and increasing security demands to counter the threat of terrorism mainly. The author of the review is Marcus Engler, ISL. The original document can be found in CORE e-library coded as CORE3001. More information on the project at: http://cordis.europa.eu/search/result_en?q=IMCOSEC
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Report to Congress on Integrated Scanning System Pilots (Security and Accountability for Every Port (SAFE) Act of 2006, Section 231), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CORE1039)

Summary: The document reports the pilot of an integrated scanning system at three foreign ports during the six month pilot period beginning in October of 2007, which were directed by the US Congress to the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in coordination with the Secretary of the Department of Energy (DOE), as necessary, and the private sector and host governments when possible. Full review report, and the original source file, can be found in CORE e-library with the code CORE1039. Source file at:
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Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) & Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA) –study for the Royal Thai Customs (RTC)

This article is about Assisting Royal Thai Customs, RTC, to improve the popularity of the Thai AEO program among the economic operators; as well as about guiding RTC in preparing for a future AEO MRA negotiations, primarily with the European Commission Directorate General of Customs and Taxation. The findings on and the outcomes of this article (as well as the full report behind it, available for download on CBRA´s web-site, as of 18.2.2015), can be useful for CORE Risk-cluster and for Other-cluster, in particular WP19 Education and training. This article is published in parallel in CBRA´s supply chain security blog (in two parts, on 16.2 and 19.2.2015), next to the CORE WP18 Information Observatory pilot. Read more

Material Handling Logistics US Roadmap (CORE1038)

Summary: This report describes the conditions and circumstances the Material Handling and Logistics (MH&L) Industry is likely to face in the coming years up to 2025. This report might impact all CORE Demo WPs concerned with US transports containing a hinterland leg, depending on the actual layout of the trade lane. The WPs having visibility, planning of transports, resilience with future tracking systems, the theme big data and predictive analytics in focus might benefit from this report. As usual, you can find the full analysis, with the original report, at the CORE e-library, with the code CORE1038. Source file at: http://www.mhlroadmap.org/roadmap.html
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Review of Critical Issues in US Transportation, 2013 (CORE1037)

Summary: CRITICAL ISSUES IN TRANSPORTATION, 2013, Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies. This report might impact all Demo WPs concerned with US transports containing a hinterland leg, depending on the actual layout of the trade lane. From the six areas – Reliability, Innovation, Environment, Safety, Funding, and R&D investment – the first three might be taken into account for CORE. Coding is CORE1037, in the e-library of the CORE-project. Source file at: http://onlinepubs.trb.org/Onlinepubs/general/criticalissues13.pdf

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Guidelines Procurement of Goods Works and non-consulting services, World Bank (CORE1026)

Summary: World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms & Individuals, 2014, and Guidelines Procurement of Goods, Works and non-consulting services, 2014. The World Bank lists firms and individuals that are ineligible to be awarded a World Bank-financed contract because of infringements against fraud and corruption policy. Fraud and corruption policy is described in the Procurement Guidelines or the Consultant Guidelines. Full review and sources files are coded as CORE1026. Source file at: http://web.worldbank.org/external/default/main?contentMDK=64069844&menuPK=116730&pagePK=64148989&piPK=64148984&querycontentMDK=64069700&theSitePK=84266
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