Completely knocked-down, CKD, vehicle imports into Thailand (CORE2000)

Summary: What does the Thai legislation say exactly on how completely knock-down (CKD) vehicles need to be imported? What is the background of these legislations and differences? What are expected developments in these legislations ad in the transport of CKD in general? This entry provides some answers to these questions, relevant in particular for the CORE Demo WP11. The detailed document in the CORE electronic library is coded as CORE2000. Source file at:

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Export product / commodity maps

Summary: An interesting web-source for multiple regional maps highlighting the main export products for countries around the world. Can be useful in CORE WP19, for the education and training materials. Source file at:

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Crime taxonomy

Summary: This article presents a high-level classification of typical illegal activities in global supply chains, divided into 2+1 main categories: moving in the supply chain; acts against the supply chain; and crime facilitation. Within the CORE-project, this can provide “food for thought” at least in the Risk-cluster, possibly also in the Demo-cluster. Read more

ACC3 regulation in the EU (CORE1000)

Summary: This review is about aviation security validation regulation in the EU. ACC3 refers to Air Cargo (or mail) Carrier operating from a 3rd country into Europe, aiming to provide a holistic approach to the threats of such inbound cargo. This review can be beneficial for the Demo-cluster in CORE, including WP12, WP15 and WP17. The analysis (with the 8-step method) is presented in full in the document CORE1000.

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