The 26 of January was #Customs day, here is why it matters #TradeFacilitation #AntiCounterfeit #Harmonization
/in External news /by susana wongTo strengthen cooperation under the Container Control Program, United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime and the government of Ukraine signed a MOU, agreeing on the establishment of two port control units #SupplyChainSecurity
/in External news /by susana wong
New Multilingual Online Repository for National Trade Facilitation Committees Launched
/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoGlobal trade needs a major reboot. Here are four areas where change can start: 1. Reform The WTO, 2. Bring Trade Laws Into The Digital And Service Eras, 3. Streamline Customs, 4. Make Trade More Inclusive #TradeFacilitation
/in External news /by susana wongAlibaba teams up with Samsung, Louis Vuitton & other brands to fight counterfeit goods
/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoThe Top Three International Regulatory Compliance Challenges
/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoCONTACT US
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