@WCO_OMD Addresses High Level Meeting of Customs Directors General of the European Union
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen Tsikolenko@INTERPOL_HQ – USD 460 million and hundreds of weapons seized in global counter-smuggling operation
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoHow big data transforms supply chain risk management
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoHow IoT logistics will revolutionize supply chain management
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoLegalizing Cannabis will eliminate organized crime´s biggest source of income
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoSupply Chain Security: Hidden, Third-Party Threats
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoThe @WCO_OMD has published the 81st edition of WCO News, the Organization’s flagship magazine
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoEUR 320 million VAT fraud: key targets arrested @Europol
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoThe WCO and the Customs Administration of Guinea reinforce their cooperation under the WCO-WACAM Project
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoCONTACT US
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