More than 10,000 tonnes & 1 million litres of hazardous fake food and drink seized @INTERPOL_HQ @Europol
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoUS and Hong Kong authorities have smashed a massive operation smuggling Chinese-made clothing
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen Tsikolenko
@UNODC launches initial study on #Afghan #opiate trade in Africa – #supplychainsecurity
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoChinese Authorities Seize 68,000 Python Skins #trafficking
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen Tsikolenko@WCO World Customs Organization : Regional Workshop on CBM and SW in Riyadh #tradefacilitation
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoThe fight against food fraud by Natalie Whittle – Belfast-based Institute for Global Food Security @FT
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoFeds bust drug smuggling ring using tunnel under U.S.-Mexico border
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoThe True Economic Cost of Corruption in Europe: Up to €990 Billion Annually
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoENLETS workshop on Capacity building in technology services in Hague – valuable practitioner input for EC Security Research Conf
/0 Comments/in External news /by Vladlen TsikolenkoCONTACT US
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