Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation – Governments and business leaders from West Africa in Dakar

More information is available here.

Turkey is the 71st #WTO member to ratify #TradeFacilitation Agreement. @GATFnews will help its implementation

Successful Conclusion with SKY-NET II Combating Illicit Drugs & Precursor Chemicals.. Postal & Express Parcels

At 59th CND Session, UNODC Chief says UNGASS 2016 is about “putting people first”–unodc-chief-says-ungass-2016-is-about-putting-people-first.html?ref=fs1 …

Schiphol SmartGate Cargo — Smartgate Cargo is een uniek programma dat wordt geïnitieerd door de —

@TAXUD The AEO Guidelines updated to keep in consideration the experience gained so far