The Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation, an initiative aimed at helping countries to reduce import barriers, will scale from four to 20 countries #TradeFacilitation
/in External news /by susana wongFake drug siege: Interpol finds 300kg of #Counterfeit meds in West Africa #Pharma
/in External news /by susana wongUS is exploring ways to use #Blockchain. Some possibilities include the capturing and keeping track of partnering government agencies licenses, permits, certificate of origin reporting etc. #TradeFacilitation #SupplyChainSecurity
/in External news /by susana wongUN releases new global dataset and report on #TradeFacilitation implementation which calls for accelerating implementation of #PaperlessTrade
/in External news /by susana wongPostNord caught criminal gang red handed #TheftFromMovingTrucks , #SupplyChainSecurity
/in External news /by susana wongEU needs ‘FBI for customs,’ says former chief fraud investigator , Giovanni Kessler: “the current system of national customs authorities makes fraud and smuggling too easy”, #SupplyChainSecurity
/in External news /by susana wongFruits and vegs rot on Kyrgyz-Kazakh border as EEU threatens to unravel, #TradeFacilitationNot
/in External news /by susana wongCONTACT US
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