
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, the UK (CORE1024)

Summary: Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 is available to General Public at the website managed by the national Archives on behalf of HM government. Relevant mainly for CORE WP19 on education and training. Full review and source files are coded as CORE1024. Source file at:
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Resolution on combatting corruption in Europe, 1996 (CORE1022)

Summary: Resolution on combating corruption in Europe. (1996). Official Journal C 01 , 22/01/1996 P. 0443. Refers to criminal organizations and their interest to influence on supply chain operators in order to execute criminal activities. Relevant mainly for CORE WP19 on education and training. Full review and source files are coded as CORE1022. Source file at:
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Crime displacement in global supply chains, by Dr. Daniel Ekwall (CBRA blog on 1.2 and 5.2.2015)

Dr. Daniel Ekwall from Sweden is a well-known researcher in the field of supply chain security, including in cargo theft with the many curiosities linked to it. In this interview Daniel shares his views on crime displacement – i.e. what may happen when security is increased in one spot of a supply chain – both from theoretical and from practical perspectives. Within the CORE-project this is relevant information at least for the Risk-cluster, and for WP19 on education and training. Read more

Organised crime is now Italy’s biggest company (News on 4.3.2014)

Summary: The Italian Mafia make more money than the country’s biggest company ENI – and run at a 56% profit margin. Within the CORE-project, this is just nice-to-know information, feeding primarily to WP19 Education and training.  This entry comes directly from the following web-page: Read more

ACC3 regulation in the EU (CORE1000)

Summary: This review is about aviation security validation regulation in the EU. ACC3 refers to Air Cargo (or mail) Carrier operating from a 3rd country into Europe, aiming to provide a holistic approach to the threats of such inbound cargo. This review can be beneficial for the Demo-cluster in CORE, including WP12, WP15 and WP17. The analysis (with the 8-step method) is presented in full in the document CORE1000.

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