
Announcement of the Trusted Trader Program Test in the US (on 16.6.2014)

Summary: This entry deals with a multi-agency initiate in the United States, where the Customs and Border Protection (CBP), in collaboration with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has started to test the Trusted Trader program. This can be of high relevance for CORE Risk-cluster, and for those Demos dealing with multi-agency controls. Please note that this entry is a direct copy from the following web-page: Read more

Export product / commodity maps

Summary: An interesting web-source for multiple regional maps highlighting the main export products for countries around the world. Can be useful in CORE WP19, for the education and training materials. Source file at:

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ACC3 regulation in the EU (CORE1000)

Summary: This review is about aviation security validation regulation in the EU. ACC3 refers to Air Cargo (or mail) Carrier operating from a 3rd country into Europe, aiming to provide a holistic approach to the threats of such inbound cargo. This review can be beneficial for the Demo-cluster in CORE, including WP12, WP15 and WP17. The analysis (with the 8-step method) is presented in full in the document CORE1000.

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